Hair Relaxer Cancer Lawsuits

Consumers Should Reconsider Using Chemical Hair Straighteners

Many women still believe that looking good outweighs the risks chemical hair relaxers pose to their health

Monday, December 19, 2022 - There have been a lot of discussions lately about the safety of chemical hair relaxers in the wake of several multi-million dollar hair relaxer cancer lawsuits that have been filed against the makers of these products. One woman, Jenny Mitchell, is taking legal action against hair straightener manufacturers L'Oreal, Strength of Nature, SoftSheen Carson, Dabur International, and Namaste Laboratories, claiming that she developed hair relaxer uterine cancer as a result of using their product. Mitchell alleges that she will no longer be able to have children because her uterine cancer treatment required a hysterectomy and ignited early menopause. Chemical hair relaxer litigation is being compared to the early days of tobacco lawsuits against cigarette manufacturers and is expected to expand to hundreds of hair relaxer cancer lawsuits in the months and years to come if Mitchell's bellwether lawsuit is successful.

Hair relaxers, also known as hair straighteners, have been around for more than 100 years and are primarily used by Black women to make their hair more manageable and styleable. Chemical hair straightening can be done at home, but it is more often part of a beauty salon hair styling treatment that may include hair cutting and coloring. Despite the potential risks, chemical hair straightening has become so ingrained in consumer behavior that many women may not be deterred from using the product. According to The Guardian, there is no indication that this will change in the near future. "Studies show that these products may double the risk of uterine cancer, but tradition, societal pressure, and personal taste create obstacles to change," they wrote. Women may not even be aware of a recent study conducted by the National Institute of Health that followed the beauty habits of about 34,000 women to see if those who used chemical hair relaxers regularly had a higher propensity for developing cancer. The study found that women who had used chemical hair straighteners had a double risk of developing uterine and breast cancer. Black women also tend to start using chemical hair straighteners at a young age, which can lead to delays in biological and neurological development.

Several other studies by accredited scientific organizations have reached similar conclusions about the possible link between chemical hair straightening and the development of other forms of cancer. The Guardian writes, "A 2021 Oxford University Carcinogenesis Journal study found that frequent, long-term use of lye-based relaxers could have serious health effects, including breast cancer. And Dr. Tamarra James-Todd at Harvard University's Chan School of Public Health has found hormone-disrupting chemicals in half of the hair products marketed to Black women, compared with 7% for white women." One has to look no further than cigarette smoking to conclude that it is not uncommon for consumers to ignore the risks that may be associated with certain products. Using chemical hair straighteners is deeply ingrained in the daily routines and cultural traditions of American Black women. More effort needs to be made to make them aware of the potential consequences of hair straightening products on their health. There is hope that the message is getting out as the sales of chemical hair straighteners to beauty salons have fallen by about 50% since the news of the studies was made public. Moreover, hair straightener manufacturers need to warn the public about potential risks associated with their products so consumers can make informed choices.">

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Lawyers for Hair Relaxer Cancer Lawsuits

We will represent all persons involved in a hair relaxer cancer lawsuit on a contingency basis, meaning our lawyers never charge legal fees unless we win compensation in your case. For a free no-obligation consultation please fill out our short online contact form and one of our hair relaxer attorneys for uterine cancer or breast cancer will contact you to answer any of your questions.

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