Hair Relaxer Cancer Lawsuits

Numerous Scientific Studies And Experts Link Chemicals In Hair Relaxers To Fatal Cancer And Environmental Contamination

Chemicals in hair relaxers could cause environmental damage and harm aquatic life when rinsed into sinks and toilets and lead to groundwater contamination

Friday, January 27, 2023 - More than 50 chemical hair relaxer lawsuits have been filed to date, and thousands more are expected in the months to come alleging that the companies that manufacture chemical hair relaxers knew about the toxicity of their product and the dangers to human health it may cause and kept this information from the public. For more than half a century, Black women and others have been getting perms, hair treatments thought to be permanent that would only change back to natural after the hair was allowed to grow out. Most women seeking a perm know that every three months or so the process must be repeated or else one runs the risk of having half curly hair and half straight hair or visa versa. Women are now coming to terms that they may have developed hair relaxer uterine cancer and other deadly diseases. Here a few of the studies that link chemical hair straighteners to cancer and also to environmental damage.

In 2021, scientific studies were released by the National Institute of Health (NIH) and other groups that linked a woman's uterine, breast, or ovarian cancer to using commercial chemical hair straighteners. Those who used the product are more than double as likely to get cancer than those who do not use the product. Sodium hydroxide is the central ingredient in chemical hair straighteners and the main suspect in causing chemical burns and other serious injuries. "Sodium hydroxide is a highly corrosive chemical that can cause severe burns and eye damage. Long-term exposure to this chemical can lead to respiratory and skin irritation and can cause hair loss," according to the Environmental Working Group (EWG). The EWG also warns that guanidine hydroxide found in chemical hair relaxers can cause skin, eye damage, and also lung disease if inhaled. Chemical hair relaxers also cause " hair loss, scalp irritation, and allergic reactions," according to one study published in the International Journal of Trichology (IJOT). " Hair relaxers are known to contain a number of toxic chemicals that can be harmful to the hair, scalp, and overall health," The IJOT reported. Most beauticians are more than aware that special measures should be taken when using chemical hair straighteners to ensure that they do not come into direct skin or eye or mouth contact with them nor do they breathe the fumes they emit. Beauticians are urged to wear rubber gloves, masks, and goggles to ensure that none get in their eyes, nose, or mouth. One hair stylist in New York City with years of experience using chemical hair straighteners warns: " Many of the ingredients in traditional hair relaxers are harsh and potentially dangerous. These chemicals can cause long-term damage to the hair and scalp, including hair loss, itching, burning sensations, and even chemical burns."

In addition, the toxic chemicals in hair relaxers may have polluted the local water supplies leading to the homes of millions of citizens. The Journal of Environmental Science, Health, and Engineering tells readers that washing chemical hair relaxers down sinks and toilets could have a long-term damaging effect on the environment, polluting groundwater leading to water treatment facilities, and contaminating local tap water. "Hair relaxers can have a significant impact on the environment, contaminate water sources, and harm aquatic life," according to the Journal of Environmental Science, Health, and Engineering.

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Lawyers for Hair Relaxer Cancer Lawsuits

We will represent all persons involved in a hair relaxer cancer lawsuit on a contingency basis, meaning our lawyers never charge legal fees unless we win compensation in your case. For a free no-obligation consultation please fill out our short online contact form and one of our hair relaxer attorneys for uterine cancer or breast cancer will contact you to answer any of your questions.

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