Hair Relaxer Cancer Lawsuits

Study Shows Link Between Adolescent Use Of Hair Relaxers And Breast Cancer

Adolescence with developing breast tissue are at a higher risk of breast cancer due to exposure to harmful chemicals

Thursday, March 30, 2023 - A study published in November 2020 by The International Journal of Cancer (IJC) has concluded that the adolescent use of chemical hair straighteners leads to an increased risk of hair relaxer breast cancer. These findings are extremely significant as hundreds of women with cancer are filing hair relaxer lawsuit claims against Loreal, Revlon, and other manufacturers for failing to inform the public of what they knew or were expected to know about harmful chemicals in their products. Harmful chemicals in hair straighteners include formaldehyde released when heated, phthalates, parabens, and metals, all of which are endocrine-system-disrupting compounds. The study has also noted that young Black women use chemical hair relaxers disproportionally to women from other races and that they have been targeted with chemical hair relaxer advertising. Using hair straighteners containing carcinogenic chemicals during adolescence, a time when the breasts are developing, places young women at a higher risk of developing breast cancer. According to the IJC, "Hair products can contain hormonally active and carcinogenic compounds. Adolescence may be a period of enhanced susceptibility of the breast tissue to exposure to chemicals. We found evidence to support a role for hair straighteners and perms in the risk of premenopausal breast cancer." Scientists acknowledged that chemical hair straightening products contain "hormonally active and carcinogenic compounds," and that young women whose breasts are in the developmental stage are at a high risk of developing breast cancer from exposure to the carcinogens in chemical hair straighteners. The study also confirms what women who have used hair relaxers for their entire life have feared the most. That is that their breast cancer may have been preventable had they been informed of the health risks and that they would not have used the product.

As thorough as this study was, it is important to note that there are other factors besides the use of hair straighteners that can cause breast cancer. This study further emphasizes how crucial regulation and openness are in the cosmetics sector. Women are shocked when they learn that no government agency is tasked with regulating cosmetic procucts like hair relaxers, makeup, or talcum powder and that seemingly harmless products sold to minors are now being linked to causing various types of cancer. It's possible that many people are not aware of the possible health dangers linked to the items they use on a daily basis. It is the duty of manufacturers to warn consumers about any potential risks associated with their products and to guarantee their safety. Additional elements including genetics, way of life, and exposure to the environment can also be important. The results of this study, however, emphasize the need for more examination into the potential health hazards related to the usage of hair straighteners. As important as it is to educate one's self about the risks of dangerous chemicals in cosmetics and beauty products in general, companies often hide these carcinogenic compounds in innocuous sub-categories like fragrance and mislead their customers.

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Lawyers for Hair Relaxer Cancer Lawsuits

We will represent all persons involved in a hair relaxer cancer lawsuit on a contingency basis, meaning our lawyers never charge legal fees unless we win compensation in your case. For a free no-obligation consultation please fill out our short online contact form and one of our hair relaxer attorneys for uterine cancer or breast cancer will contact you to answer any of your questions.

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