Hair Relaxer Cancer Lawsuits

Lawyers May Now File Hair Relaxer Lawsuit Claims Directly Into Multi-District Litigation

Thousands of chemical hair straightener and relaxer cancer lawsuits will no longer have to wait on the federal court system to process them before being accepted into MDL

Tuesday, April 4, 2023 - An important development has occurred in the litigation surrounding chemical hair relaxer cancer lawsuits. Lawyers representing those with cancer who allege using hair relaxers regularly for many years caused their cancer may now file the lawsuits directly into a multi-district litigation (MDL), presided over by U.S. District Judge Mary M. Rowland in the Northern District of Illinois joining hundreds of others with similar accusations. The move streamlines and speeds up the process as hair relaxer cancer claims will no longer have to first go through the various federal courts around the country. Large-scale litigation involving numerous parties can be effectively handled by MDL because it enables expedited pretrial procedures, such as discovery and motions, which save time and money for both parties. MDL is a common and increasingly preferred method of processing mass-tort lawsuits like the chemical hair straightener lawsuits against Loreal and Revlon. Other companies defending themselves against thousands of lawsuits organized into MDL include Johnson & Johnson, 3M, and Bayer/Monsanto. MDL is an interesting and efficient way to interview and control potential expert scientific witnesses from both sides and to conduct several bellwether trials to gauge jury reaction to the facts common to all cases. MDL can also facilitate a greater possibility of an out-of-court settlement. MDL helps with settlement discussions because it enables more effective and well-organized communication between the parties, which may result in more fruitful discussions.

Thousands of hair relaxer cancer lawsuits are expected against Loreal, Revlon, and others as word gets out among those visiting beauty salons around the country that a recent study published in the National Institute of Health (NIH) concluded that women were more than twice as likely to develop uterine cancer, breast cancer or ovarian cancer if they use hair relaxer chemicals more than three or four times per year as directed. The use of harsh chemicals in hair relaxers, including formaldehyde and sodium hydroxide, is one of the main causes of worry. Many health risks, including cancer, skin rashes, and respiratory disorders, have been connected to these substances. The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences recently discovered that women who used hair relaxers had a greater risk of breast cancer than women who did not. The reprehensible corporate conduct by Loreal and Revlon will be considered as they are accused of hiding what they knew or had an obligation to know about these dangerous chemicals and others being in their hair relaxer products. The manufacturers are accused of hiding the names of dangerous chemicals as "fragrance" and not identifying them so that consumers could make an informed decision. Phthalates are one ingredient that hair relaxers might conceal under the heading "fragrance." Phthalates are a class of compounds that are employed as solvents and fixatives in fragrances as well as to increase the flexibility of polymers. Phthalates have been connected to several health difficulties, including hormone disruption, complications during pregnancy, and challenges with infant development. In addition, benzene, a proven carcinogen, and parabens, which are employed as preservatives and have been related to breast cancer, may be concealed in hair relaxers under the name "fragrance."

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Lawyers for Hair Relaxer Cancer Lawsuits

We will represent all persons involved in a hair relaxer cancer lawsuit on a contingency basis, meaning our lawyers never charge legal fees unless we win compensation in your case. For a free no-obligation consultation please fill out our short online contact form and one of our hair relaxer attorneys for uterine cancer or breast cancer will contact you to answer any of your questions.

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