Hair Relaxer Cancer Lawsuits

Women Who Continue To Use Hair Straightener May Risk Developing Breast Cancer

Women fear that hair relaxers may cause their worst nightmare

Tuesday, December 20, 2022 - Women who regularly use chemical hair straighteners may want to discontinue using the product and look for a healthier beauty care alternative. A 2020 study by the International Journal of Cancer found that regular users of chemical hair straighteners had a much higher chance of developing hair relaxer breast cancer than women who did not use the product. The study looked at 48,000 women and found an 18 to 31 percent greater chance of developing the deadly disease. Breast cancer like all types of cancer has a far greater chance of being treatable if diagnosed in its earliest stage before it has spread. Chemical hair straighteners contain formaldehyde and sodium hydroxide, two deadly chemicals that have been associated with an increased risk of cancer. Scientists think that chemical hair straighteners may cause disruptions to the endocrine system that could lead to hormonal imbalances that are known to cause breast cancer. Other causes of breast cancer include family history, environmental and behavioral factors, and exposure to plastics and PFAS forever chemicals found in firefighting foam and non-stick consumer products. According to sources, "Breast cancer from hair relaxers is linked to the presence of "endocrine-disrupting chemicals" or EDCs. EDCs impact the normal functioning of the endocrine system, altering the body's hormone levels in dangerous ways. The endocrine system is responsible for producing and releasing hormones within the body that aid in the growth and regulation of the brain, nervous system, reproductive system, and metabolic system."

Black and Latino women make up the largest groups of women who use a hair straightener and most of them are unaware that a hair relaxer crisis exists. Word is starting to get around in the hairdresser community, thankfully, that one of their flagship products may be harming themselves and their customers. Hundreds of nearly identical hair straightener lawsuits have been filed by women who have used hair relaxers and straighteners and have developed cancer as a result and thousands more plaintiffs waiting in the wings. Each plaintiff has a confirmed diagnosis of uterine cancer or breast cancer and each is suing nearly the same group of defendants. The group of defendants in hair relaxer cancer lawsuits includes manufacturers Loreal, Strength of Nature, SoftSheen Carson, Dabur International, and Namaste Laboratories. Each plaintiff alleges having developed hair relaxer uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine fibroids, or breast cancer as a result of using their product. According to, " A motion has been filed to establish a Hair Relaxer MDL (multidistrict litigation) in the federal court system. MDL would centralize all of the lawsuits before one judge for coordinated discovery and pretrial proceedings." Legal experts think that the number of hair straightener lawsuits may become similar to baby powder ovarian cancer lawsuits that have been filed against Johnson & Johnson and consolidated into MDL. MDL is preferred rather than trying each case individually so as not to duplicate certain administrative court proceedings.

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Lawyers for Hair Relaxer Cancer Lawsuits

We will represent all persons involved in a hair relaxer cancer lawsuit on a contingency basis, meaning our lawyers never charge legal fees unless we win compensation in your case. For a free no-obligation consultation please fill out our short online contact form and one of our hair relaxer attorneys for uterine cancer or breast cancer will contact you to answer any of your questions.

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